Quality Policy
The main mission of L'espai Mediambiental is to maintain a constant and renewed commitment to the improvement and promotion of the environment.
In accordance with our values, we want to be the first choice of our clients. The quality of our products and their satisfaction are of great importance to us and serve to guide and improve our activities.
We work daily in the development of ecological canvases that allow us to meet the requirements of our clients in advance, developing joint solutions with them, and striving to exceed their expectations, we deserve their trust.
In this line we establish as a priority commitment the continuous improvement of the quality of the processes as a result of our daily work.
In order to achieve all of the above, our actions will be aimed at:
*The promotion of an innovative and customer-oriented culture
*The fulfillment of the requirements in the elaboration of the developments towards our clients
*The protection, security and satisfaction of our employees, our customers and the surrounding area.
Our success is based on constant dedication, motivation and effort with an entrepreneurial character and in an atmosphere of trust and respect.
This quality policy is supported by the team of L'ESPAI MEDIOAMBIENTAL MASRAMPINYO S.L. and shared by all our collaborators.
Rev. 29-10-2021